These industrial shelves are by far one of the most fun projects we have done thus far. This pantry had an abnormal shape and custom shelving made best use of the space in this farmhouse kitchen. The shelves are 22 inches deep and all galvanized piping was used to construct this beautiful pantry. The shelves are a pine 1x stained with dark walnut, our favorite. All of the galvanized piping you see is actually plumbing pipe that we gave a new purpose!


Industrial shelves with rustic metal piping in farmhouse kitchen pantry.Industrial shelves for canned goods in farm house kithen















We did some additional industrial shelves  for canned goods. The shelves are actually 2- 1×12’s biscuited together to make them deeper. This was a total “build as you go” because the holes sit on inside edge of the shelf. Each shelf was cut to fit the space and then the upright piping was added followed by the T connector with the back of the shelf support. Then another shelf was cut and process continues until you get to desired height.

The more difficult it becomes the more fun we have!